PIONE3R Physical Therapy & Wellness

Physical Therapy Done Differently

Conveniently located in Central Houston

We don’t want to follow the “status quo” when it comes to healthcare. So we decided to take matters into our own hands and provide the highest quality physical therapy in the market.

Our clinic is for active adults who have experienced physical therapy without seeing desired results, for those who want to get back to their high-level goals like running and lifting, and for those who want to make the best investment in their health. We are here to teach you the WHY behind the cause of your pain, the reasoning behind the hands-on techniques and exercises we select, and the importance of being empowered in your body. Too much of healthcare is no longer about the person, but about the money and the numbers. Too much of healthcare is about promoting fear into a decision and not about providing options to the patient to choose for themselves. At PIONE3R, we promise we are rewriting the script. We pride ourselves on achieving excellence together with you through a collaborative and holistic approach.


Our 3 Step Process

Houston TX Physical Therapy

Determine the Root Cause of Your Pain

We complete a thorough full body evaluation to determine the source of the pain and the potential contributing factors to the pain.

Houston TX Physical Therapy

Provide Relief from Your Pain

We will educate you on what is causing the pain, determine the steps to relieve the pain, and create a customized program specific to your needs.

Houston TX Physical Therapy

Create a Long-Term Solution

We will empower you by teaching you how to manage the pain and reduce risk of future injury. We are here to teach, help you get stronger, and give you the tools needed for future!


Orthopedics & Strength Training

We specialize in working with orthopedic and sport-specific injuries utilizing the most up-to-date research and strength training approach to assist in recovery, return to activity, and performance enhancement. Instead of being told “never run again” or “don’t lift more than 20 pounds”, we are here to guide you back into the activities you love.

Whether you are new to lifting weights or have been doing it for years, we are able to meet you at your level. We place a high emphasis on injury prevention through full-body assessments and goal-oriented rehabilitation.

Common people we treat:

  • Beginner and experienced weight lifters with pain

  • Beginner and experienced runners with pain

  • Active adults with back pain

  • Active adults with hip pain

  • Active adults with ankle/foot pain or instability

  • Active adults with shoulder pain

PIONE3R Physical Therapy

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

We specialize in working with women who are experiencing pelvic health concerns. Too often, you have been told that these things are normal. They may be common, but they aren’t normal. We are here to get you back to 100% and empower you along the way.

In pregnancy, women are often told not to do “too much”. If you are told to do anything at all, often you are discouraged from starting something new during pregnancy. We are here to tell you otherwise. Exercise is incredibly important for the baby and the pregnant and postpartum mother. Instead of searching the internet for your questions, we are here to help you find the answers that are SPECIFIC to you!

Some of the things we can help with pelvic health physical therapy are:

  • Pelvic pain, pelvic heaviness, leaking with sneezing, coughing, jumping or running

  • Pain with sexual activity

  • Back and hip pain that won’t seem to go away

  • Guidance for exercising during pregnancy

  • Prepping for labor and birth 

  • Return to exercise postpartum 

PIONE3R Physical Therapy Virtual wellness programs

Virtual Wellness Service

This is a virtual video call and movement assessment where we dive into your history and goals. We will make a custom plan specific to your needs and have check-ins as needed. This is great for anyone located outside of Houston.

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